“Not only will this scholarship allow me to show my talents, but it will also give me a new learning and life experience. Playing college basketball has always been my goal and this scholarship is bringing me one step closer to achieving that. Being able to go to college will also open my eyes to new things and different experiences while on my journey. It will also allow me to travel away from my home town. I’ve lived in Aurora, CO for all 18 years of my life and I just recently got back from HBCU tours with my group from school called Black Student Union. My favorite school from the list was Georgia State University. I loved the overall vibe of the school and I’ve seen everything I could ever want in a college. Moving from Colorado will also change my living situation and allow my family to move with me. For a minute, I didn’t think I would be blessed with any type of scholarship so receiving this one has restored hope and open my eyes for my future again.”